President- Are you a leader who likes to take charge, work hard, and have a passion for youth sports? Do you have a vision for lacrosse in Cottage Grove and are eager to lead a group of members to realize that vision? Are you great with communications and connect easily with people? If so, then the role of president may be for you. This role requires a commitment of 4 to 8 hours per week and to have a 24 hr response time to calls/emails/texts. Responsibilities include:

  • Preside over all general membership and board meetings;
  • Enforce all laws, rules and regulations of the association (CGAA) and of the Lacrosse Division (CGALAX), and represent the Lacrosse Division on the CGAA monthly board meetings
  • Ensure that all positions required to run CGALAX are staffed, or if they are not staffed delegate responsibility to existing board members.
  • Be a member ex-officio of all Division committees;
  • Establish ad-hoc committees as necessary;
  • Have signature authority, in addition to the Treasurer and Vice President, for expenditures
  • Will attend YLM, MSLAX, and applicable lacrosse association meetings as CGAA Lacrosse representative when applicable, or assign another BOD to attend
  • Be responsible for any Division disciplinary actions;
  • Oversee the duties performed by the Communications Marketing Director and Field & Scheduling Director
  • President duties as outlined on page 3 of the CGAA Administration Handbook

Vice President - Are you a person who wants to play a key role in growing youth lacrosse in Cottage Grove? Are you organized and ready to help lead a group of members to ensure everyone is doing their part? Do you see yourself leading the CGAA Lacrosse Division someday? If so, then the role of vp may be for you. This role requires a commitment of 4 to 8 hours per week and to have a 24 hr response time to calls/emails/texts. Responsibilities include:

  • Perform all the duties of the President in absence of the President;
  • Assist the President in any manner so designated by the President;
  • Assist in vacant board positions
  • Assist with budget planning
  • Have signature authority, in addition to the Treasurer and President, for expenditures
  • Be the board’s liaison and oversee the duties performed Coach/Player Development Directors and the Members at Large
  • Perform other duties assigned by the President
  • Vice President duties as outlined on page 3 of the CGAA Administration Handbook

Treasurer - Are you a person who enjoys numbers, creating and sticking to budgets, and who wants to ensure that CGAA lacrosse is a fiscally sound operation? Would you enjoy collaborating with other CGAA treasurers? If so, then the role of treasurer may be for you. This role requires a commitment of 2 to 4 hours per week and to have a 24 hr response time to calls/emails/texts. Responsibilities include:

  • Perform all duties of the President in the absence of the President and Vice-President;
  • Be responsible to issue credits/refunds as appointed by BOD
  • Attend CGAA Treasurer meetings
  • Responsibility for CGAA open items report
  • Issue and Record W-9’s for all Lacrosse Participants needing one
  • Be responsible for the handling of all funds required to meet the annual budget;
  • Assemble the Lacrosse Division budget (income and expense) for approval by the General Membership and the CGAA board of directors;
  • File all reports to as needed to CGAA
  • Account for the disbursement of funds;
  • Be a member ex-officio of all committees under his/her jurisdiction;
  • Provide a financial report at each meeting of CGAA Lacrosse Division account balances and outstanding liabilities.
  • Oversee the duties performed by the Registrar and Fundraising Directors
  • Treasurer duties as outlined on page 4 of the CGAA Administration Handbook

Secretary - Are you a person who is meticulously organized, likes to know everything going on, and is a great note taker? If so, then the secretary role may be for you. This role requires a commitment of 4 to 6 hours per month and to have a 24 hr response time to calls/emails/texts. Responsibilities include:

  • Plan, schedule, secure location and notify the BOD of upcoming and scheduled meetings
  • Communicate reminders, request agenda items, and send agenda to BOD prior to meeting.
  • Provide printed agendas and prior meeting minutes at each monthly meeting
  • Record the minutes of all CGLAX meetings (including meeting time, date, location, attendance, BOD vote results, and highlights of key discussions)
  • Send BOD monthly minutes to CGAA indicated party
  • Attach BOD monthly meeting minutes to the CGALAX website
  • Distribute meeting minutes via email within one week of each club meeting to BOD members
  • Be the custodian of all official records or CGLAX (i.e. background checks, concussion training, minutes, google drive, etc.)
  • Maintain records of BOD terms
  • Work with Coach/Player Developement Directors to record/maintain all coach/manager background checks yearly
  • In conjunction with the respective Level Directors, be responsible for the planning, coordination and execution of the Division wide Parent meetings;
  • Oversee the duties performed by the Equipment and Uniform Directors
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the President.
  • Secretary duties as outlined on page 4 of the CGAA Administration Handbook